Civil Service Employment Portal

City of Ithaca Instructions and Information

  1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATION. Before filling out your application, please carefully read the exam announcement or job posting.

  2. ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION. Do not interpret a notice to appear for or actual participation in the examination to mean that you have been found to meet fully the announced requirements. Depending on the time available before an examination, applicants may be admitted to the examination on the basis of statements made on the application or conditionally, without prior review of the application. Such statements may not be reviewed and/or verified until after the examination is held. At that time, those candidates not meeting the requirements will be disqualified and notified of such disqualification. Those candidates who are subsequently disqualified after taking the test will NOT be notified of their score.

    Call or email this agency immediately if you do not receive a notice within three days of the date of examination informing you whether or not you are to be admitted to the examination.

  3. SPECIAL TESTING ARRANGEMENTS. If you require special testing arrangements or assistance for religious accommodation or disability, please include a separate letter requesting the accommodations you need.

  4. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND/OR PHONE NUMBER. Notify this agency immediately of any change of address and phone number. When writing, give the number and the title of examination (if relevant).

  5. CROSS-FILING. If you have applied for any other civil service examinations for employment with New York State or any other local government jurisdiction, you must make arrangements to take all the examinations at one test site. If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must take all of your examinations at the State examination center. You must advise us no later than two weeks prior to the test date that you have also applied for one or more State examinations, and indicate the exams for which you have applied. You will be advised by letter when and where to report for your examinations. If you have applied for other local government examinations, call or write to each Civil Service Agency to make arrangements no later than two (2) weeks before the date of examinations. You must notify all local government civil service agencies with whom you have filed an application of the test site at which you wish to take your examination(s). For this examination call (607) 274-6539 or write the City of Ithaca Human Resources Department - 108 East Green Street - Ithaca, NY 14850 or

  6. VETERANS CREDITS. If you are making a claim for veterans credits with this application, be sure you read the following information very carefully.

    Any claim for additional credits as a disabled or non-disabled war veteran for the examination should be made with this application. If you are claiming veterans credits, you answer all relevant questions on this application. Failure to do so, accurately and completely, may result in a denial of your claim.

    Veterans will be sent forms on which to establish their eligibility for additional credits, if they meet the established criteria. These forms must be completed and filed with the Human Resources Department prior to the establishment of the eligible list. Qualified non-disabled and disabled veterans who obtain passing marks on the examination are entitled to additional credits of 5 and 10 points respectively, provided they have not used such credits to obtain a permanent appointment or promotion subsequent to January 1, 1951.

  7. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION: Applicants may be required to undergo a State and national criminal history background investigation, which will include a fingerprint check, to determine suitability for appointment. Failure to meet the standards for the background investigation may result in disqualification.